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Spring Cleaning Tips for your Home

Debra Roberts

Spring has arrived and now is a great time to start thinking about springing into action (ha-ha) and giving your home a freshen up. Following the Winter months, you’ll find dust has accumulated, air quality has become more stagnant and respiratory health can suffer. So Spring is the perfect time to dust off the cobwebs, clean out the clutter and bring new life into the home. But sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start! So I’ve put together a few suggestions to get you started:

1. Start with one

Pick one room, or task, or change that you’d like to make. It might be one area of the house perhaps a spare room, or it might be one job that needs to be done like de-cluttering throughout or it might be one aspect in the house you’d like to change like wall colour. It’s always easier to start with one change rather than trying to tackle multiple things and becoming swamped by the size of the task.

2. Grab a friend

Tasks are always easier with two sets of hands. So ask your partner, room-mate, neighbour or friend if they’d like to help with a spring cleaning project and perhaps offer to help with one of theirs! And if you are still stuck in lockdown as I know many of you are, now is the time to make use of amazing phone apps like Zoom and collaborate from afar. Send pictures, share videos and talk face-to-face through the magic of fabulous technology!

3. Do some research

Depending on what task you decide to undertake will depend on the level of research required. But there are lots of helpful tools, guides, phone apps and knowledgeable experts out there who can point you in the right direction. For example, Bunnings run a range of D.I.Y workshops that provide helpful information to help you get started.

4. Get started!

Sometimes the best thing is to dive right in even if everything may not be exact as you’ll often find that things become clearer as you go. Feel free to comment below if you get stuck or to share your Spring Clean success story!

Photo source Ivan Samkov

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